Jeff Crawford (he/him) wants you to love what you teach and what you do. He’s been a teacher for over 18 years with experience leading across regions in the pacific northwest and facilitating with illustrative mathematics around the US. He’s your greatest co-thinking partner. He’s your biggest champion. He’s who you want to see in the teachers room when you open that door to take a beat.
Erica Crane, EdD (she/her) wants you to feel like you’re on the best team there ever was so you can learn audaciously. She and her best team created a school that was centered on deeper learning for equity with a competency-based, student-centered approach. she started her career teaching in the south bronx and has coached, consulted, Professored, and supported educational systems across the US. she’s wildly passionate about developing classrooms for liberation and educators for a future we can (RE)Imagine together.
Mike mendelson (he/him) wants you to fail really fast. He’s taught, launched and led companies, been tasked with transitioning a large school district to a competency-based approach, and believes in partnering educators for meaningful conversations to accelerate learning. He’s dedicated his life to making this possible and scalable. He’s also the first person to say “yes you should do that” anytime you’re not sure if you should but you really, really should.